
Note: This website will never ask you to enter personal information like passwords, banking information or credit card details. If you encounter suspicious requests, please report them to us at info@wdgpublichealth.ca

This website provides public health inspection results from the following types of businesses in Wellington county, Dufferin county, and the city of Guelph:

  • Food establishments

  • Pools, hot tubs, and splash pads

  • Recreational Camps

  • Small Drinking Water Systems

  • Child Care centres

  • Personal services settings (beauty and body art establishments such as salons and tattoo studios)

  • Consumption & Treatment Services

  • To request a copy of an inspection report for investigations involving regulated health professionals or health service providers, please fill out this form

  • To review reports for businesses where a serious infection control issue (IPAC lapse) was identified please click here

When using this website, please keep in mind:

  • We do not endorse any business.

  • We encourage you to view all inspection reports for a business. The inspection history may give a fuller picture of compliance compared to a single inspection result.

  • We cannot guarantee the conditions of a business at all times. The inspection reports only describe what the inspector saw on the date of inspection.

  • We are responsible for inspecting food safety and infection prevention and control practices. We carry out inspections according to the Health Protection and Promotion Act. We do not evaluate specific safety components of business practices, staff training, or the quality of goods and services provided.

  • We make every effort to ensure all information is accurate and complete. Inspection reports are updated regularly, but we cannot guarantee that all information is accurate at all times.

For Tobacco-Related Matters:

Prospective buyers of tobacco retail dealer premises are strongly encouraged to contact the local Public Health Unit to confirm premises conviction history. A premises with two or more tobacco sales convictions against any owner (past or present) at that address within a five-year period is subject to a Notice of Prohibition Against the Sale, Storage and Delivery of Tobacco Products (known as an automatic prohibition or “AP”).

Section 22 of the Smoke-Free Ontario Act, 2017 (SFOA, 2017) states that upon becoming aware that there are two or more convictions against any owner for tobacco sales offences committed at the same place within a five-year period, the Ministry of Health (MOH) shall notify the owner(s) or occupant of the place that the sale, storage, and delivery of tobacco products is prohibited at the place.

The MOH accepts requests from Public Health Units for automatic prohibitions where owner(s) of the business was/were convicted of tobacco sales offences on two occasions within a five year period. The SFOA, 2017 convictions report published on Public Health Units’ websites lists all owner related tobacco sales convictions that are eligible for an automatic prohibition. Please note that automatic prohibitions do not apply to vapour products sales convictions.

If you discover an error, have any questions, or if a location is missing from our website, please contact us: